Annals of the M.B.C. - vol. 1' - n' 1 - September 1987


Opening address by

S. Williarn GUNN, Acting President, MBC

Honourable President of the Sicilian Regional Assembly,
Distinguished President of the Giuseppe Whitaker Foundation,
Academic and Civil Authorities,
Distinguished Delegates,
Ladies and Gentlemen.

As Winston Churchill said, the oceans that divide, are seaways that unite.

Thus, 17 Mediterranean countries are united by a common sea and by a series of historical events which, over the centuries, have reciprocally affected and woven their cultures and their destinis. They present at once differences and similarities in every field and surely in scientific approaches, in disease patterns and in care systems, depending on their individual backgrounds, level of technology and socio-cultural structures.
These similarities and differences extend also to healt, to surgery, and to the care of burn patients. It was this that led our late friend Professor Giovanni Dogo, in 1983, to propose the formation of an organized yet loosely-structured forum of Mediterranean burn specialists. A club of friends, rather than a structured society.
This is what brings us to Palermo today; Palermo, exactly at the centre of this mare nostrum, with its first class and ultra-modern Burns Unit and, of course, its dynamic leader, Professor Michele Masellis, our untiring Secretary-General. What could be more appropriate as the home of the Mediterranean Burns Club.
The Government of Sicily and the Health Authorities of Palermo have generously assured us of their official, moral and financial support, and all of you, Distinguished Delegates, coming from every country in and around the Mediterranean, have assured us of your interest and encouragement. With such backing, we cannot fail.
The dream of Giovanni Dogo has come true today, and we are particularly pleased to have his wife with us at this ceremony. I propose that Professor Dogo's memory be maintained permanently as Honorary President, and I officially declare the Mediterranean Bums Club born.

S. William Gunn, MD, MS, FRCS (C)

Gathered at Villa Malfitano,
Whitaker Foundation,
Palermo, Sicily, Italy,
June 18, 1987


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