Annals of Burns and Fire Disasters - vol. XI - n. 2 - June 1998


in assembly at the

SEPTEMBER 24-27, 1997

WHEREAS, over 100,000,000 antipersonnel landmines are scattered throughout some 68 countries of the world; and,

WHEREAS, each year these weapons kill, blind or maim over 27,000 citizens, many of whom are women and children in developing countries; and,

WHEREAS, it is the mandate of the World Association on Disaster and Emergency Medicine to foster education, research, the exchange of information concerning the management of disasters;


The World Association of Disaster and Emergency Medicine:

  1. Endorse the designation of such devices as inappropriate weapons of war;

  2. Support the efforts at prevention through a global ban on the manufacture, export, stockpiling and use of such devices as proposed by the International Committee of the Red Cross, the Oslo Agreement and the Ottawa Treaty;

  3. Support the acceleration of demining programmes including the training of medical support teams for demining crews;

  4. Encourage the expansion of training programmes aimed at improving the initial management of injuries caused by antipersonnel landmines;

  5. Encourage and support further research and expansion of rehabilitation programmes appropriate to the culture and resources of countries affected by antipersonnel landmines;

  6. Support further research into the public health aspects of the mining of communities;

  7. Encourage the exchange of research and clinical information through a regular international congress devoted to the health aspects of antipersonnel landmines and the establishment of a system of scholarships and fellowships to encourage research and programme development to combat this serious challenge to the health of the world.

The MBC supports this Resolution



Informatic Update is a new feature that we shall be publishing regularly as from this issue of Annals. Our aim is to create a space where we can inform our readers about new developments in information technology and review any new products which they may wish to submit to our attention.
Information science has taken on an ever more important role in the medical field in the last few years and the computer is now an irreplaceable work tool, especially for data storing and processing. However, our years of experience with computerization at the Department of Plastic Surgery and Burns Therapy in Palermo have led us to believe that the computer can also be applied more specifically in the clinical field.
At present not many such clinical applications exist, mainly because medical software can only be developed by persons who are competent in the two fields of medical and information science.
Another purpose of this new feature is to stimulate collaboration among all those who - like us - believe in the future development of the clinical application of the computer and to attract the attention of people who are not yet fully aware of the computer's potential. Relevant articles and actual applications can be sent to the address below:
Annals of Mediterranean Club for Burns and Fire Disasters (MBC)
Informatic News
Divisione di Chirurgia Plastica e Terapia delle Ustioni.
Ospedale Civico, Via Carmelo Lazzaro, 90127 Palermo, Italy



The MBC, in the context of the activities laid down in its Statute and intended to promote burn prevention campaigns, has produced the following videotapes:

  • The Prevention of Burns in Children
  • The Prevention of Electrical Burns in Everyday Life
  • The Prevention of Electrical Burns at Work
  • The Prevention of Industrial Disasters
  • How to Defend ourselves from Fire
  • How to Defend ourselves from Forest Fire

The tapes have been dubbed in English, French, Arabic, Italian, Spanish, Greek and Turkish and come in two versions, U-MATIC and VHS.
All the tapes are available entirely free of charge to MBC Members who apply in writing to receive them explaining their reasons and undertaking to use them exclusively to promote a burn prevention campaign in their respective countries.
For non-members of MBC the tapes are available at a cost of US$ 25 each, including postal charge.

Please address requests to: Annals of Burns and Fire Disasters, Divisione di Chirurgia Plastica e Terapia delle Ustioni, Ospedale Civico, Via C. Lazzaro, 90127 Palermo, Italy, Tel.: + 39 91 6663631 - Fax: + 39 91 596404.


30th OCTOBER 1998 - ATHENS


The MBC was founded in 1983, since when it has been growing in structure and functions. Considering the new organizational structure of the Club, new activities developed in these past years, and future action as WHO Collaborating Centre, it is necessary to consider some modifications in the Club Statutes. The proposals made below will be presented at the General Assembly at the next Meeting of the MBC in Athens.

Present Statute

Art. 6 Ordinary Members of the Club, who include the Founder Members, are appointed among specialists in burns pathology and in fire disasters from all the Mediterranean Countries

Art. 7 The Assembly appoints the President, the Secretary General and the Treasurer who remain in office for three years and may be re-appointed; approves the general direction of the Club's activities, as formulated by the President and the Secretary General; approves the admission of new Members and determines the Membership fees; and approves the budget. For the approval of the budget in years when the Assembly will be unable to meet, the Assembly appoints beforehand, in its last meeting, a Committee that will have the function of approving the budget. The Committee will remain in office until the next Assembly and will be composed of at least five Members. The President and the Secretary General are Members by right of the Committee.
The Secretary General will represent the Club for administrative purposes, and will therefore provide for the presentation of the annual programme and collection of contributions supplied by the State, the Regions, local Bodies and in general by any public or private body, and represent the Club before any administrative Authority of the State (including tax offices).
If the Assembly in proceeding to appoint the Secretary General should nominate for this office a Member not residing in Palermo, the above-mentioned administrative functions will be assigned to the Treasurer for the entire period during which the Secretary General not residing in Palermo remains in office.

Proposed modification

Art. 6 Membership of the Club Membershipcomprises the following categories:

6.1 Founder Members
6.2 Ordinary Members
6.3 Honorary Members
6.4 Associate Members

6.1 Founder Members: as defined in Art. 4.
6.2 Ordinary Members of the Club, who include the Founder Members, are appointed among specialists in burns pathology and fire disasters from all Mediterranean countries.
Retired Members and other distinguished personalities who have dedicated part or all of their professional activity to the treatment, research and teaching of burn disease may be appointed Honorary Members.
6.4 Burn Specialists from countries outside the Mediterranean basin can be admitted as Associate Members. Associate Members do not have a vote.
6.5 A new Member must be introduced by two MBC Members.

Art. 7 The Organs of the Club:

7.1 General Assembly
7.2 President
7.3 Secretary General
7.4 Treasurer
7.5 Executive Committee
7.6 Special Committees
7.7 National Representatives
7.8 Regional Representatives

7.1 The General Assembly is constituted of Ordinary and Honorary Members. It:

a) appoints the President, the Secretary General and the Treasurer, who constitute the Bureau of the Club;
b) appoints the National Representatives and the Honorary Members;
c) approves the general direction of the Club's activities, as formulated by the President and the Secretary General;
d) approves the admission of the Members
and determines the membership fees;
e) approves the budget.

The General Assembly meets every two years, coinciding with the Congress of the Club.

7.2 The President is the senior officer of the Club, presides over the General Assembly, and ensures the cohesion, continuity, international standing, scientific integrity, and spirit of the Club.
He remains in office for four years and may be re-elected.

7.3 The Secretary General represents the Club for administrative purposes, and provides the presentation of the programmes and collection of contributions supplied by the State, the Regions, local bodies, and in general by any public or private body. He represents the Club before any administrative Authority of the State (including tax offices). He is elected for four years and may be re-elected.

7.4 The Treasurer supervises the finances, collects the dues, and keeps the books of the Club.
He is elected for four years and may be re-elected.

7.5 The Executive Committee consists of the Chairmen of the Special Committees, the President, the Secretary General, and the Treasurer.
It has also the function of approving the budget in the years when the Assembly does not meet and examines the applications for MBC Scholarships.

7.6 Special Committees. They study and propose operational activity in sectors of particular interest to the Club and to Member Countries. These sectors are proposed by the General Assembly.

7.7 National Representatives: These are ordinary Members who are actively engaged in the field of burns and disasters. They are proposed by the Executive Committee and approved at the General Assembly. National Representatives remain in office for four years and may be re-elected. On cessation of activity they may be appointed Honorary Members. National Representatives who are absent from the General Assembly on two consecutive occasions are declared to have ceased office and must be replaced in the same manner as defined above.

7.8 Regional Representatives: as the Club is designated a WHO Collaborating Centre, its action and presence extend beyond the countries of the Mediterranean. To reflect this global importance the Bureau nominates one Regional Representative for each of the six geographic Regions of the World Health Organization.

Explanatory Notes:

  1. Articles 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 9 remain unchanged.

  2. Articles 6 and 7 have been modified in order to further clarify the organizational structure of the Club.

  3. The extension of the mandates of the officers to four years is due to the fact that the General Assembly meets every two years. (Points 7.2, 7.3, 7.4)

  4. Administrative Committee: to obtain the statutory financial support and make required financial reports it is necessary to present to the legislative Authorities yearly budget proposals and financial statements. (7.5)

  5. The revision concerning the election of the National Representatives is in order to ensure that the Member is an active contributor to the Club. The Executive Committee is aware of this activity thanks to the role it plays on the international level, so that it is possible to appoint Members who have particularly distinguished themselves by their contribution. (7.8)
    The National Representative loses office in the event of:

    • retirement from service. This is because, unless institutionally recognized activities continue to be exercised, it is thought that only persons in contact with their own national institutions, and therefore supported by them, are able to offer the Club their active collaboration. It also guarantees the arrival of new support;

    • absence from two consecutive meetings. This is because the National Representatives must constantly guarantee their active function (particularly as regards the initiatives and activities of the country they represent), contacts with the Club, and presence at Meetings.

  6. The World Health Organization has divided the World into six Regional Offices. The MBC is now privileged to be its scientific Collaborating Center worldwide on burns and fire disasters. To reflect this distinctive recognition it is desirable that the Club has one person to represent the MBC in each of the six WHO regions outside the Mediterranean membership. The Regional Representatives will have no vote.

  7. Transitional rules
    On the occasion of the Athens Meeting, when the modifications are approved by the General Assembly, all official positions will cease, and their renewal decided in the same session, in order to permit application of the new rules.


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