World Health Organization
Cluster for Sustainable Development and Healthy Environments (SDE)
Department of Emergency and Humanitarian Action
Emergency Health Intelligence and Capacity Building


WHO is setting up a revolving stock of Emergency Health Library Kits (EHLK) that contain essential documents related to Public Health in Emergencies. WHO intends to provide technical guidance to agencies operating in the field. The Department of Emergency and Humanitarian Action (EHA) of WHO can provide upon request EHLK to agencies working in the field during an emergency.
One of WHO's strategic goals is to facilitate the dialogue between national and international actors on the basic of WHO and/or internationally accepted guidelines. WHO, therefore, trust that the EHLK will enhance coherence among agencies and countries to tackle public health aspects of emergencies.
Each Kit comes in a metal trunk, which can be used as a bookshelf. It contains 150 documents: guidelines and reference manuals produced by WHO, other UN organizations, and external publishers. Summaries of the contents of EHLK with detailed information can be accessed at the web address: then click under Publications to look for Bibliography. The cost of each Kit amounts to approximately USD 2,100, plus transportation costs.
Until now a total of 18 Kits have been distributed through various WHO offices, including Jakarta, East Timor, Kosovo, South Sudan, Mozambique, Orissa, and Moscow. WHO plan to store a number of Kits ready for shipment on request. The contents of the Kit is regularly updated.
For a review of WHO's New Emergency Health Kit-Lists of Drugs and Medical Supplies, see the Annals, Vol. 12 p. 118, June 1999.
For further details please contact Ms A. Shah at: Tel.: 41 22 791 27 40, or write to WHO Geneva.

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