% vol = 15 number = 3 prevlink = 145 nextlink = 153 titolo = "THE ROLE OF THE OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST IN THE TREATMENT OF BURNS" volromano = "XV" data_pubblicazione = "September 2002" header titolo %>
SUMMARY. The author of this paper, an occupational therapist working in France, presents a concise account of his work with burned children and outlines some of its main aspects, including the use of pressure garments and special corrective apparatus. The aims and methods of occupational therapy are briefly summarized, with reference to the successive phases of treatment.
Since 1990 Jean Petiot has worked as an occupational therapist at the Centre de Pédiatrie et de Rééducation at Bullion in France.
Ninety per cent of his work regards post-operative rehabilitation techniques in extensively burned patients (children aged 0 to 16 years), special equipment, pressure masks, pressure garments, and showers and baths, as well as rehabilitation by play and work activities aimed at the recovery of the patients’ autonomy.
He is active in training activities and in 1999 took part in a mission to Vietnam in the context of action promoted by the humanitarian organization “La chaîne de l’espoir”, dedicated to surgical operations on burned patients and to the creation of post-operative facilities for the rehabilitation of extensively burned patients (Saigon and the Mekong Delta).
Jean Petiot has prepared this introductory text in the hope that it will stimulate discussion among all those who work in the field of occupational therapy.
Introduction to burns therapy
Burns therapy presents a number of difficulties due to various factors, including:
Re-education is basically in two phases:
Phase 1: wearing of the postural apparatus
The occupational therapist’s role
The occupational therapist participates in the construction of most of the equipment and, when possible, contributes to its installation in bed, at mealtimes.
Phase 2: partial suspension of wearing of apparatus
This must be done as soon as possible, when articular amplitude has stabilized.
The pressure garments and masks are worn permanently, while posture apparatuses are removed progressively during the day.
The occupational therapist’s role
The occupational therapist makes a general assessment of the following aspects: loss of physical status, muscular deficit, remaining scar tissue, autonomy in everyday life, the child’s psychological state, the family environment.
The occupational therapist plays a central role:
RESUME. L’Auteur de cet article est un ergothérapeute qui travaille en France. Il décrit brièvement son activité avec les enfants brûlés et en indique les aspects principaux, y inclus l’emploi des vêtements compressifs et les appareils spéciaux correctifs. Il décrit aussi en manière synthétique les buts et les méthodes de l’ergothérapie, pour ce qui concerne les phases successives du traitement.