<% vol = 15 number = 4 prevlink = 174 nextlink = 179 titolo = "INITIAL MANAGEMENT OF THE BURN PATIENT - AN ALGORITHM APPROACH FOR SCENE CARE" volromano = "XV" data_pubblicazione = "December 2002" header titolo %>

Domres B., Kay M.V., Manger A.

Tübingen University Surgical Clinic, Tübingen, Germany

SUMMARY. An algorithm is presented for use in the primary treatment of burn injuries. The intention of its creators is to provide an understandable pathway for decision-making and to encourage clinical thinking. Burn injuries are classified according to a number of criteria, and clear recommendations are made with regard to matters such as fluid resuscitation.

Algorithms describe the most current and appropriate standards of care when treating emergencies. The following algorithm is a recommendation for the primary treatment of burn injuries. It was conceived using strict priorities and relating factors to make it an understandable pathway for decision-making and to encourage clinical thinking. The care provider has a range of infusion formulas to choose from.

Classification of burn severity

Remove clothing (small regional burns only: cool for >10 min with running water), avoid Hypothermia).

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RESUME. Les Auteurs présentent un algorithme qui pourra être utilisé dans le traitement primaire des brûlures. Selon ses créateurs, l’algorithme offre une voie compréhensible que l’on pourra suivre dans la prise des décisions et qui, en outre, encouragera la réflexion clinique. Les Auteurs classifient les brûlures selon divers critères, et ils font des recommandations précises pour ce qui concerne la réanimation avec les liquides.

<% riquadro "This paper was received on 19 July 2002.

Address correspondence to: Dr Michael Kay, Eduard-Susskind-Weg 2, D-82319 Starnberg, Germany. E-mail: Mike.Kay@plansafe.org" %>

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