Annals oj ihe MBC - vol. 4 - n' 4 - December 1991




Every year the General Assembly, on the occasion of the Annual Meeting, has the task of examining, discussing and approving the Club's activity in the previous year, and of reviewing future plans. The Order of the Day of this Assembly is as follows:

  1. Approval of the Agenda
  2. President's Report
  3. SecretarV-General's Report
  4. Treasurer's Report
  5. Approval of 1989 Final Balance
  6. Approval of 1990 Budget 07. 08 09 10.
  7. MBC's future activities
  8. Admission of new Members at 1991 Meeting
  9. Election of some new national representatives
  10. Application by some scientific societies for enrolment in MBC as Associate Members
  11. Election of MBC representatives for selection of MBC scholarship
  12. Any other business



It is my pleasure to report to all the members of the Mediterranean Burns Club on the developments that have taken place in the life of the Club during the year 1990-91, since the last Assembly at Rabat. This has been a very successful year, and I shall give only the highlights. Our indefatigable Secretary-General will expand on our activities in greater detail.

  1. International relations
    The MBC is now firmly established and acknowledged as a premier professional association with particular expertise, and its cooperation is being solicited increasingly.

    1. The United Nations. Within the UN International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction (IDNDR) the MBC has been identified as the prime burn care and fire disaster prevention facility. During the year one of the MBC scholarships was shared with the UN, as a contribution to their worldwide efforts.
    2. The Commission of European Communities. The Common Market looks upon the MBC as a strong link in its vast Civil Defence programme.
    3. CEMEC. The burn courses within the training programme of the European Centre for Disaster Medicine have been assured by the MBC through our Secretary-General's Centre.
    4. The MBC is also part of the United Nations Emergency Data Collecting Network, UNIENET.
    5. The World Association for Emergency and Disaster Medicine has strong links with the MBC as its principal thermal injury adviser.
    6. Detente. With the introduction of democracy in the Eastern European countries, the MBC has been asked to advise on peaceful utilization of armed forces now no more needed for fighting: Czechoslovakia is a case in point.
    7. International Civil Defence Organization. MBC is officially nominated as a Regional Training Centre for ICDO.
  2. Inter- organization links
    1. The Société Française d'Etude et de Traitement des Brul6s decided, at its recent Annual Meeting, to join the MBC en bloc as Associate Members. We welcome this close liaison and would be prepared to have similar arrangements with other professional, societies.
  3. International participation
    he MBC has received many invitations from surgical and burn surgery and disaster medicine organizations to participate in their meetings. Upon invitation the MBC has been present and has presented papers at:
    1. AMELISAP: Association des M6dicins Liberaux Sapeurs Pompiers. Montpellier, April 1991.
    2. 7th World Congress on Emergency and Disaster Medicine, May 1991, Montreal. The President of MBC was nominated President-Elect of WAEDM and our Secretary-General was elected to the Executive Council.
    3. Spanish Society of Plastic Surgery. An Association of Burns Surgeons has been founded.
    4. Slovak Society of Burns Surgeons. Kosice, Czechoslovakia, June 1991.
    5. UCLA. University of California at Los Angeles. Symposium on Disasters, July 1991.
    6. University of Bradford. Disaster Management Prospects in the New Europe, Sept. 1991.
    7. 12th Meeting of SFETB: French Society of Study and Treatment of Burns. La Baule (France), Sept. 1991.
    8. 4th Meeting of EBA: European Burn Association. Barcelona (Spain), Sept. 1991,
    9. Ministry of Defence, Civil Protection, Czechoslovakia, Prague, October 1991.
    10. CEMEC: European Centre for Disaster Medicine. international Training Course. R. San Marino, Oct. 1991.
    11. The MBC is Liaison Member of the International Federation of Surgical Colleges. The IFSC Council held its meeting in Palermo in conjunction with our Conf erence.
  4. First International Conference of Burns and Fire Disasters
    The MBC organized in Palermo, September 1990, this first international conference with the novel approach of considering burns as a clinical problem and fire disasters as a society problem, closely interlinked for eff icient prevention and management. This was a great success and the 2nd Conference is planned for October 1992, to coincide with the 10th Anniversary of the MBC.
  5. Fire disasters
    From the preceding and the earlier notes above, it is evident that the MBC is being increasingly involved in and being solicited for expertise in fire disasters. This is a gap that is being filled very ably by the MBC and we are being looked upon as the experts in the field. This has important international implications.
  6. The Annals
    Our quarterly journal, The Annals, is now running the fifth volume and has become a valuable scientif ic publication. Considering the Club's extended interests as mentioned in point 5 above, the full title now is "Annals of the Mediterranean Burns Club - Incorporating Fire Disasters". Reciprocal arrangements have been established with 5 other similar journals
  7. Commissions
    The Commission for the Promotion of Burns Care Facilities in Mediterranean Countries has been very active in its contacts with universities, governments and hospitals, under its energetic Chairman, Prof. John loannovich.
    The Commission of Prevention of Burns and Fire Injuries has been very productive with papers, lectures and video films under its able Chairperson Dr. Maddalena Ferrara.
    The Disaster Commission's work should logically lead us to the Club's Incorporating Fire Disaster. The Commission on Nursing and Paramedical Professions has successfully promoted the interest and training of this important sector in burn management.
  8. Membership
    The membership of the Club is constantly on the increase. We have been turning down requests from prospective members who are not from the Mediterranean countries.
    All the Members of the French Society for the Study of Burns have "en bloc" become Associate Members of the MBC, as noted under point 2.
    Reciprocally, several MBC members have been made Honorary or Associate Members of other sister organizations. The full list of current members will be found in the Annals, Vol. IV, N. 2.
  9. History of the MBC
    Your Secretary-General and President have briefly summarized the history and early years of the Club in the current issue of the Annals: Vol. IV N. 2. The IVIBC Constitution is also reproduced in that issue.
    This Annual Meeting was scheduled for April 1991. As you all know it had to be postponed due to the Gulf War. We are all grateful that the war is over, but it has underlined, among other dangers, the particular problem of mass fires and conflagrations which concern us professionally very much, and which casts on our shoulders a new role and responsibility.
    Our Athenian friends have done a marvellous job in organizing this Annual Meeting against such odds and on behalf of all MBC members I thank Professor loannovich and his Committee for this successful gathering here in the cradle of Western Civilization and a temple of Mediterranean Civilization.

William Gunn


The Club's activity has mainly concentrated on the activities established in the programme approved during the Rabat Assembly in 1990, and in particular on:

  1. Sector of prevention and public education
  2. Sector of disasters and emergencies
  3. Sector of promotion of cultural exchange between countries
  4. Sector of promotion of cooperation
  5. Sector of management and coordination of MBC activities
  1. Sector of'preventi . on and public education
    The MBC has so far produced 6 videotapes which have been dubbed in English, French, Arabic, Spanish, Greek, Turkish and Italian. They are available on request to all those who are willing to undertake to use them in a burn prevention campaign.

The videotapes are entitled:

  • Prevention of Burns in Children
  • Prevention of Burns in Everyday life
  • Prevention of Electrical Burns at Work
  • Prevention of Industrial Disasters
  • Self -protection from fires

Defence from Forest Fires

As further support for the last two of the above videotapes the MBC Directive Board has also shown its interest in the sector of "behaviour education" in the event of a fire.
In 1990 experts and qualified technicians prepared a programme for the production of two videotapes aimed at the education of ordinary people and volunteer groups in "Immediate Care" and "Sanitary First Aid" in the event of Fire Disasters.
The foundations have also been laid for the study of a project aimed at the realization of a multimedia teaching campaign on prevention and the behaviour to adopt in the event of burn accidents and fires.
This is a new educational instrument to be used in schools, industries, etc. It makes use of various methods of information, e.g. still photographs, action sequences, cartoons, written texts, graphics, audio, etc., all managed by a computer which has the function of sole supervisor and is the link between the system and the user.
Further printed educational material has been produced, i.e. notices, albums, posters, etc, and is available to all Members forwarding requests.
An invitation is once again extended to Members to communicate any ideas or suggestions they may have and to make proposals concerning these types of programmes. All proposals will be carefully examined and passed on for their realization to all those who forward their requests.

  1. Sector qf disasters and emergencies
  2. After the success on the scientific level of the "First International Conference on Burns and Fire Disasters" (Palermo, September 1990), the Directive Board contacted the Dutch publishing company Kluwer in order to publish a volume containing the papers presented,
    The publishers have undertaken to promote the volume in the international book world. This is one of the few texts that exists on the specific subject.
    The problem of fire disasters continued to be a subject of keen interest for the Club, in view of the effects that such disasters can have in the sector of Civil Defence, cooperation among peoples, and in the social life of a nation.

  3. Sector of promotion qf'cultural exchanges between countries
  4. In 1991, as in previous years, 10 scholarships were awarded. The physicians who received scholarships were the following:

  • Dr. Golubovich Zoran (Yugoslavia) Dr. Geraci Vito (Italy)
  • Dr. Grimaldi Monica (Italy)
  • Dr. Belmahi Amine (Maroc) Dr. Merlino Giorgio (Italy)
  • Paramedical staff:
  • Ms. Dugone Rebecca (Italy)
  • Mr. Kalada Abdehadi (Marocco)
  • Ms. Karatza Anastasia (Greece)
  • Ms. Ribisi Giovanna (Italy)
  • Ms. Barone Cettina (Italy)

    In 1991 the MBC assisted in the organization of the 5th Meeting, now being held in Athens. The Directive Board has deliberated, as in previous years, to make a financial contribution of 25 million Italian lire and to pay for the printing of promotional material such as folders, posters, etc. and for their sending.
    As a result of the postponement of the Meeting due to the Gulf war, the contribution was higher than expected because it was necessary to produce and send two series of folders, etc.
    In 1991 the MBC was pleased to accept official invitations to participate in numerous Meeting and Congresses in Mediterranean countries and elsewhere. On 19th and 20th April, in Montpellier, the MBC was represented by the Secretary General at the "Assises Européennes de médicine d'urgence et de terrain -organized by AMELISAP (Association des Meclicin~ Lib6raux Sapeurs-Pompiers).
    From 13th to 16th May, in Montreal, the MBC was present in the persons of the President and the Secretary-General at the proceedings of the WAEDM (World Association for Emergency and Disaster Medicine). The MBC's participation aroused keen interest and in the course of the General Assembly the President of the MBC and the Secretary-General were respectively elected President of the WAIEDM and Member of the Directive Board for the three-year period 1992~1994.
    From 13th to 15th June the Secretary-General of the MBC, on official invitation, participated in the Twelfth Congress of the French Burns Society held at La Baule. The General Assembly of the Society unanimously requested the enrolment of the MBC as an Associate Member.
    In July 1991 the University of California in Los Angeles organized a -Symposium on Disasters---. The President, by official invitation, represented the MBC.
    From 13th to 16th September, at the Congress of the European Burns Association in Barcelona, the MBC presented a desk with a display of all its activities which was received with great interest by all present.
    From 1st to 4th October, on the official invitation of the Prague Civil Defence Organization, the MBC was present at "Pragasec 91---. The President and Secretary-General were thus able to contact specialists and authorities from Czechoslovakia and other East European countries and to lay the foundations for future scientific and cultural collaboration.
    From 21st to 22nd October, at St. Vincent, the MBC, on official invitation, was represented by the Secretary-General at the scientific proceedings of the International Congress on Forest Fires.
    From 23rd to. 24th October the MBC contributed to the realization of the ref resher course on "Management of mass burns and fire disasters" held in San Marino in the context of the annual programme organized by CEMEC (European Centre for Catastrophe Medicine).
    The MBC has officially been invited to take part in an International meeting on 1ntensive Treatment' of Severe Burns" organized by the A.V. Vishnevski Institute of Surgery, to be held in Moscow in February 1992.
    The MBC will take part as a collaborating institution in the scientific proceedings of the "World Conference on Health Emergencies in Technological Disasters", organized by the Italian Ministry of Civil Defence, to be held in Rome in May 1992.

    Future MBC meetings

    The year 1992 marks the tenth anniversary of the constitution of the MBC and of the institution of the G. Whitaker International Burns Prize.
    The MBC, the 0. Whitaker Foundation and the Department of Plastic Surgery and Burns Therapy, Palermo, to honour this occasion, intend to organize in Palermo from 30th September to 3rd October:
    The Sixth Meeting of the MBC and The Second International Conference on Burns and Fire Disasters - Perspectives 2000
    The leading specialists in the field of burns and fire disasters will be invited to discuss future perspectives in the treatment of burns both as an individual pathology and as a social problem in the event of disasters.
    The announced Refresher Course that the MBC was to have held in Cairo in March 1991 on the invitation of our Egyptian colleagues, during the annual meeting of the Egyptian Plastic Surgery Society, was postponed because of the international problems due to the Gulf War. The Course will be held in 1992.


    The quarterly publication of "Annals of the Mediterranean Burns Club" continues regularly. The circulation of 3000 copies has permitted wide diffusion in countries all over the world.
    We have received many expressions of approval and numerous requests for the publication of articles, also from specialists working outside the Mediterranean area.
    As announced during the Rabat Assembly, preparations are in course - with the purchase of supplementary equipment - to use the printing workshop of Palermo Civic Hospital for the publication of "Annals" directly by the MBC.

  1. Sector oj'promotion and cooperation
  2. It was announced in last year's report that the University of Aleppo had requested the MBC to perform a study regarding the planning of Burns Centres in the Republic of Syria. The MBC delivered its report within 2 months. in July 1991 the University of Aleppo authorities communicated that they had accepted the proposed plan.
    The activity continued of the Burns Centres in Madrid, Toulouse, Athens, Turin and Palermo aimed at the realization of the COMETT 11 Project on behalf of the EEC. This concerns the creation of a programme for a hypermedia system based on an interactive videodisk, as a data bank in the sector of burns, and of a hypertext for information management. This programme is intended for the training of medical and paramedical staff specialized in the field of burns and their prevention.
    An application has been presented to the EEC to participate in a second project named "Tempus"; this will involve the participation of the MBC and an Eastern European country, namely Rumania.

  3. Sector of management and coordination of MBC activities
    Activities have continued in order to increase and coordinate better the activities of the MBC, as laid down in the programme presented to and approved by the General Assembly in Rabat,
    A) In 1991 more equipment was purchased necessary to integrate the equipment already in the possession of the Club and that owned by the Hospital, in order to set up a printing centre that will enable the Club to produce all the printed material necessary for the institutional activities and for the management of MBC and of "Annals".
    B) The hardware and software system has been completed for the preparation of the MBC bibliographical research Centre. As soon as the data base files have been filled, it will be possible to link up with Palermo in order to have access to the data, which will be provided on direct request.

In collaboration with the Department of Plastic Surgery and Burns Therapy, Palermo, preparations are well advanced for the preparation of all software necessary for the management of in-patients and out-patients in a Plastic Surgery and Burns Department.
This laborious and expensive task is expected to be completed in the first 6 months of 1992. The MBC intends to make these programmes (in English and French, initially) available to all Directors of Centres who wish to receive them, plus the hardware at cost price. This use of modern technology will create a network among the various centres, at minimum expense.
Centres already in possession of Modem type equipment and communication systems can already contact MBC headquarters using the number 091.6512509.
The creation of this system as planned will facilitate closer links of collaboration among the Centres connected, on both the clinical and the scientific/didactic level, It will thus be possible to create a common data bank for the whole Mediterranean area which every Member can draw on for activities of research, study and collaboration.
I hope that the programme 1 have illustrated relative to the past and future activities of the MBC will meet the approval of the Assembly.
I thank you all very cordially for your kind attention in examining it.

M. Masellis



- NATIONAL REPRESENTATIVES: The General Assembly unanimously approved the nomination of two new National Representatives:

M. COSTAGLIOLA (TOULOUSE) as French National Representative; G. MAGLIACANI (TURIN) as Italian National Representative.


The new representative member for the MBC
Scholarship is from Turkey.



The Treasurer's Report, the Budget for 1991 and the Financial Balance for 1990 were unanimously adopted.


On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the creation of the G, Whitaker International Burns Brize and of the constitution of the Mediterranean Burns Club (MBC), the 2nd International Conference on Burns and Fire Disasters and the VI General Assembly of the Mediterranean Burns Club will be held in Palermo, from 30 September to 3 October 1992.

Second International Conference on Burns and Fire Disasters: Perspectives 2000
Palermo (Italy) 30 September - 3 October 1992

On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the creation of the G. Whitaker International Burns Prize and the institution of the Mediterranean Burns Club, the Second International Conference on Burns and Fire Disasters will be held.

The scientific programme includes:
Burns disease: Perspectives 2000
Resuscitation therapy
Immunology, Nutrition
Burns Centres organization and Functional
Fire disasters: Perspectives 2000
Fire and society: the home, the city, the environment
Management of fire disasters: wildfires, industrial fires, civil fires, nuclear fires
The health profession against disasters: surgical, medical, nursing, hospital

For further information contact:
M. Masellis M.D.
2nd International Conference on Burns and Fire Disasters
c/o Divisi~ne Chirurgica Plastica e Terapia delle Ustioni
Ospedale Civico - U.S.L. 58
90127 Palermo (Italy)
Tel. (91) 6063631 - 6063634 - 6063619
Fax (39-91) 596404


Le Club Méditerranéen des Brûlures (MBC) offre dix bourses d'études de spécialisation chaque année pour la prévention, la thérapie, les soins et le recouvrement fonctionnel en matière de pathologie des brûlures.
Les bourses sont réparties entre médecins, infirmiers et membres du corps médical de compétence. Elles ont pour but, selon les termes des statuts du MBC, de promouvoir l'échange de jeunes médecins, infirmiers et personnel du corps médical de compétence des centres spécialisés entre les différents pays du bassin méditerranéen dans le but d'atteindre un grand niveau en matière de soins médicaux et pour favoriser l'esprit de coopération.
Le montant de chaque bourse s'élève à 4.000.000 lires (quatre millions de lires), rémunération brute. Cette somme permettra de payer le billet de voyage aller-retour et les frais de séjour.
Le boursier devra obligatoirement fréquenter à l'étranger, pendant pas moins d'un mois, un centre spécialisé dans le traitement des brûlures et de leurs séquelles, situé dans l'un des pays appartenant au Club Méditerranéen des Brûlures.
Tous les médecins, les infirmiers et le personnel du corps médical de compétence des pays faisant partie du Club peuvent poser leur candidature.
Les demandes, écrites en anglais ou en français, sur papier nontimbré, doivent parvenir avant le 28 février de chaque année (on ne tiendra pas compte des retards de la poste) et seront adressées à: Segreteria, Mediterranean Bums Club "Borsa ch studio", c/o Divisione di Chirurgia Plastica e Terapia delle Ustioni, Ospedale Civico, via C. Lazzaro, 90125 Palerme, Italie.
Le candidat devra spécifier dans sa demande quelle bourse il/elle sollicite (médecins, infirmiers, personnel sanitaire) et indiquer ce qui suit:

  1. nom et prénoms, date et lieu de naissance, domicile et numéro de téléphone;
  2. le pays et le centre où le candidat désire se rendre;
  3. un bref exposé des projets que le candidat entend réaliser grâce à cette bourse;
  4. déclaration par le candidat de connaître bien la langue (anglais ou français) nécessaire pour la réalisation des activités énoncées dans l'exposé;
  5. la signature du candidat dûment légalisée. Le candidat devra joindre à la demande:
  • un curriculum vitae décrivant le cours de ses études, son activité professionnelle, sa participation à des séminaires etc.;
  • la déclaration de la part du Centre hospitalier où le candidat désire se rendre que sa demande a été acceptée;
  • quelques lettres de présentation récentes (documents originaux ou copies authentifiées) de Directeurs d'institut, de divisions ou de Services avec des centres annexes pour les brûlures attestant que le candidat a fait des stages dans ces centres pour parfaire sa spécialisation dans le domaine de la pathologie des ~rûlures;
  • liste des titres;
  • les médicins devront ajouter:
  • copie authentifiée du diplôme de doctorat (avec notes)
  • ouvrages scientifiques publiés après le doctorat en médecine - attestation de présence du chef d'Institut, de Division ou de Service où le candidat travaille au moment présent.

La Commission-Juge est composée:

  • du Président du Club Méditerranéen des Brûlures - du Secrétaire Général du Club
  • d'un représentant national tiré au sort au cours de l'Assemblée générale parmi les représentants des différents pays n'ayant pas encore gagné de bourses d'étude durant les années précédentes.

Chaque pays devant atteindre le même nombre de représentation, celle-ci ne pourra être renouvelée qu'après égalité.
Les bourses seront attribuées pas plus tard que le 30 juin de chaque année. Les gagnants seront informés qu'ils devront, sous les 30 jours, communiquer au Secrétariat de I'MBC leur acceptation, l'adresse de la banque où ils désirent que soit versé le montant de la bourse, la période qu'ils ont choisie pour retirer cette bourse, et un extrait du casier judiciaire prouvant que le candidat n'a commis aucun délit. Le gagnant ne pourra plus bénéficier de la bourse après le 30 mai de l'année suivante.
Le MBC versera sur le compte bancaire du gagnant les deux tiers du montant de la bourse et le reste à la fin de la période choisie, sous présentation d'un certificat d'assiduité délivré par le Directeur du centre que le boursier aura fréquenté.
Le boursier devra informer le Secrétariat de I'MBC "Borsa di studio" du début de la période de service et de toute interruption. Le MBC s'engage à publier le nom des boursiers ainsi que leurs motivations dans son journal spécialisé, "Annals of the MBC", où le Club pourra aussi publier les ouvrages résultant de leurs études.
Toute personne intéressée peut demander une copie de l'avis de concours et toute autre information au Secrétariat de I'MBC "Borsa di studio".


The Mediterranean Burns Club (MBC) awards ten annual Scholar ships for specialization in the prevention, therapy, care and functio nal recovery in the field of burn pathology. The scholarships are divided between physicians, nurses and relevant health pe~sonnel. The purpose of the awards, in accordance with the terms of the statutes of the MBC, is to promote the interchange of young physicians, nurses and relevant health personnel from specialized centres in the various countries in the Mediterranean area with the aim of achieving a high standard of care and of stimulating an ever,greater spirit of cooperation. The value of each Scholarship is fixed at the sum of Lit. 4,000,000 (four million Italian lire),, less taxes. This amount is intended to cover the cost of the return journey and living expenses. The Scholar has the obligation to attend abroad, for not less than one month, a qualified Centre for the treatment of bums and their sequelae, situated in one of the countries comprising the Mediterra nean Burns Club.
All physicians, nurses and relevant health personnel from countries belonging to the Mediterranean Burns Club are eligible to compete for the Scholarships. Applications, written in English or French, on unstamped paper, must arrive by the deadline of 28th February of each year (no account can be taken of any postal delays), addressed to: Segreteria, Mediterranean Bums Club "Borsa di Studio", c/o Divisione di Chirurgia Plastica e Terapia delle Ustioni, Ospedale Civico, Via C. Lazzaro, 90125 Palermo, Italy. The candidate must specify in the application which Scholarship he or she is applying for (Physicians, Nurses, Health Personne and include the following:

  • full name, date and place of birth, home address and telephonenumber;
  • the country and the Centre which the applicant intends to visit;
  • a brief programme describing the aims which the candidate intends to pursue with the support of the Scholarship;
  • statement by the candidate of competence in a language (English or French) necessary for carrying out the activity described in the programme;
  • the candidate's signature legally authenticated. All candidates must enclose with the application:
  1. curriculum vitae, indicating academic record, professional activity, attendance at seminars etc.;
  2. a declaration of acceptance and training hospitality on the part of the Host Centre which the candidate intends to visit;
  3. recent letters of introduction (in the original or in authenticated copies) from Chiefs of Institutes, Divisions or Services with connected Bums Centre, attesting to periods of training confirming the candidate's specific preparation in the field of bum pathology;
  4. list of qualifications;
  5. for physicians, additionally:
    • degree diploma (with marks), in authenticated copy
    • scientific papers, published after graduation
    • certificate of introduction or of guarantee issued by the Chief of the Institute, Division or Service where the candidate is currently working.

The Adjudicating Committee is composed of:

  • - The President of the Mediterranean Bums Club
  • - The Secretary General of the Mediterranean Bums Club
  • - A National Representative drawn by lot in the course of the

Annual Assembly from among the representatives of the various countries which have not already received scholarships in previous years. This position is not renewable until, in the course of time, the individual countries have achieved equal representation. The Scholarships will be awarded not later than 30th June each year. The winners will be informed that within 30 days they must communicate to the Secretariat of the MBC their acceptance, the address of the bank where they wish to have the scholarship money deposited, the period they have chosen to take up the scholarship, and a declaration by the candidate that he or she does not have a criminal record.
The Scholarship must be taken up by 30th May of the year following the award, at the latest.
The Mediterranean Bums Club will credit in advance two-thirds of the amount by bank transfer, and the remainder on termination of the period chosen, after a declaration of satisfactory attendance issued by the Chief of the Centre where the programme was carried out.
The Scholarship winner must inform the Secretariat of the Mediterranean Burns Club "Borsa di Studio" of the beginning of the period of attendance and of any interruptions.
The Mediterranean Bums Club undertakes to publish the Scholarship winners' names, together with relative motivations, in the "Annals of the MBC-, in which the Club may also publish papers resulting from this study.
Any person interested may request a copy of the official announcement of the Scholarships and other information from the Secretariat of the Mediterranean Bums Club "Borsa di Studio".


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