Annals of the MBC - vol. 5 - n' 4 - December 1992


Meeting Report

A striking example of the spirit of colleaguial cooperation was the presence, among some 500 participants, of representatives of Croatia, Serbia and Slovenia, while the role of technical cooperation was presented by several volunteers in foreign disasters as well as by the delegates of the International Red Cross and the World Health Organization. Already at the 1990 Conference respected
The Second International Conference on Burns and Fire Disasters was held in Palermo, Italy, from 30 September to 3 October, 1992. Placed under the high patronage of the Italian Minister of Civil Protection and the Regional Parliament, the meeting was organized by the Mediterranean Bums Club and the G. Whitaker Foundation. The occasion was also a celebration of the 10th Anniversary of both the MBC and the Foundation, whose destinies and achievements arc intimately linked.
The success of the First Conference, held in 1990, had found echoes (1) beyond the oceans and the rich programme of the 1992 event, with its focus on Perspectives 2000, did justice to its predecessor. Over 100 papers were presented, divided into sections on Burns and fire problems, Fire disaster, Epidemiology, Intensive care, Immunology, Complications of burns, Bum surgery, Wound and scar management, Prevention, Rehabilitation, Burn centres organization, and Fires and society. Four round table sessions discussed forest fires, industrial fire disaster, biomaterial, and international action. Ten educational and technical video projections were on continual view.
Some 40 Collaborating Institutions from different parts of the globe, including the World Association for Emergency and Disaster Medicine, Shanghai University Burn Centre, and the Russian Academy of Sciences, to name but a few, lent their technical and organizational expertise. Ten specialized publications covered the scientific sessions.
This year being also the 10th Anniversary of the establishment of the Whitaker International Bums Prize, the previous laureates were present, while the current prize-winner, Professor Douglas Jackson of scientists (1) were wondering as to how the professions and surgical community had taken so long to schedule the first international meeting on the conjoint problem of burns and fire disasters. Obviously burns and fire disasters had occurred from time immemorial, and sophisticated advances had been separately registered in both fields, yet it was puzzling that a linkup had not been thought of! The MBC takes pride in having established that missing link in 1990, and at the present conference those links were strengthened and given more scientific and social substance. The Minister of Civil Protection, expressing his appreciation on behalf of the civic and political authorities, emphasized the importance of this new symbiotic cooperation between surgeons, scientists, firefighters and disaster managers, and congratulated the MBC on its imagination and initiative in opening new horizons to an age-old problem of the citizen and of society.
A first group of papers reproduced in this issue presents a cross-section of the burn and fire difficulties addressed at the conference, while the full Proceedings (2) will be published in the course of the year.
This conference was also the occasion for the Annual General Meeting of the Mediterranean Burns Club. On this 'coming of age', it was noted with satisfaction that all the countries of the Mediterranean basin were now represented in the Club and that several , distant non-Mediterranean scientists had sought and been accorded associate membership.

  1. Hanlon C.R.' First Jnternational Conference on Bums and Fire Disasters. Amer. Coll. Surgeons Bull., 7é: éé-é7, 1991.
  2. Masellis M Gunn S.W.A., eds.: Burns and Fire Disasters: Perspectives 2000. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, London, Dordrecht, 1993.


The MBC, in the context of the activities laid down in its statute and intended to promote burn prevention campaigns, has produced the following videotapes:

  1. The Prevention of Burns in Children
  2. The Prevention of Electrical Burns in Everyday Life
  3. The Prevention of Electrical Burns at Work
  4. The Prevention of Industrial Disasters
  5. How to Defend ourselves from Fire
  6. How to Defend ourselves from Forest Fires.
  7. The tapes have been dubbed in English, French, Arabic, Italian, Spanish, Greek and Turkish and come in two versions, U-MATIC and VHS.

All the tapes are available -entirely free of charge to MBC Members who a , pply in writing to receive them explaining their reasons and undertaking,to u3e them exclusively to promote a burn preventiorf.,campaign in their respective countries. Applications must be forwarded to the MBC Secretariat.


Le Club Méditerranéen des Brélures (MBQ offre dix bourses d'étu des de spécialisation chaque année pour la pr&ention, la. th&rapi F, les soins et le recouvrement fonctionnel en mati&e de pathologie des brfilures.
Les bourses sent réparties entre rnedecins, infirmiers et membres du corps médical de compkence. Elles ont pour but, selon les termes des statuts du MBC, cle promouvoir 1'échange de jeunes médecins, infirmiers et personnel du corps médical de compkence des centres spécialisés entre les différents pays du bassintméditerranéen clans le but d'atteindre un grand niveau en matiere de soins médicaux et pour favoriser 1'esprit de coopération.
Le montant de chaque bourse s'&ve d 4.000.000 lires (quatre millions cle lires), rémunération brute. Cette somme permettra de payer le billet de voyage aller-retour et les frais cle séjour.
Le boursier devra obligatoirement fréquenter d 1'étranger, pendant pas moins d'un mois, un centre spécialisé dans le traitement des brfilures et de leurs séquelles, situé clans l'un des pays appartenant au Club M&diterranéen des Brélures.
Tons les médecins, les infirmiers et le personnel du corps médical de compétence des pays laisant partie du Club peuvent poser leur candidature.
Les demandes, écrites en anglais ou en franqais, sur papier nontimbré, doivent parvenir avant le 28 février de chaque année Ion ne tiendra pas compte des retards de la poste) et seront adressées A: Segreteria, Mediterranean Burns Club "Borsa di studio", c/o Divisione di Chirurgia Plastica e Terapia delle Ustioni, 0spedale Civico, via C. Lazzaro, 90125 Palerme, Italic.
Le candidat devra sp&cifier dans sa demande quelle bourse il/elle sollicite (médocins, infirmiers, personnel sanitaire) et incliquer cc qui suit:

  1. nom et prénoms, date et lieu de naissance, domicile et numéro de téléphone;
  2. le pays et le centre oé le candidat désire se rendre;
  3. un bref exposé des projets que le candidat entend réaliser grdce A cette bourse;
  4. déclaration par le candidat de connaitre bien la langue (anglais ou franeais) nécessaire pour la réalisation des activités én,oncees dans 1'exposé;
  5. la signature du candidat clement 1égalisée.

Le candidat devra joindre A la demande:

  1. un curriculum vitae décrivant le cours cle ses études, son activité profession net le, sa participation A des séminaires etc.;

  2. la déclaration de la part du Centre hospitalier oé le candidat désire se rendre que sa demande a W acceptée;

  3. quelques lettres de présentation récentes (documents originaux ou copies authentifiées) de Directeurs d'institut, de divisions ou de Services avec des centres annexes pour les brOlures attestant clue le candidat a fait des stages dans ces centres pour parfaire sa sp&cialisation dans le domaine de la pathologie des br-Olures;

  4. liste des titres,

  5. les médicins devront ajouter:

    • copie authentifiée du dipléme de cloctorat (avec notes)

    • ouvrages scientifiques publiés apr&s le doctorat en médecine - attestation de présence du chef d'Institut, de Division ou de

Service oé le candidat travaille au moment présent.
La Commission-Juge est composée:

  • du Président du Club Méditerranéen des Brélures
  • du Secrétaire Général du Club
  • d'un représentant national tiré au sort an cours de I'Assemblée générale parmi les représentants des différents pays Wayant pas encore gagné de bourses d'&tude durant les années précédentes.

Chaque pays devant atteindre le m8me nombre de représentation, celle-ci ne pourra étre renouvelée qu'apr&s égalité.
Les bourses seront attribuées pas plus tard que le 30 juirj de chaque année. Les gagnants seront informés qu'ils devront, sous les 30 jours, communiquer au Seerétariat de VMBC leur acéeptation, Fadresse de la banque oé its désirent que soit versé le montant de la bourse, la période qu'ils ont choisie pour retirer cette bourse, et un extrait du easier judiciaire prouvant que le candidat n'a commis aucun délit.
Le gagnant ne pourra. plus bénéficier de la bourse apr&s le 30 mai de I'année suivante.
Le MBC versera sur le compte bancaire du gagnant les deux tiers du montant de la bourse etle reste A la fin de la période choisie, sous présentation d'un certificat d'assiduité délivré par le Directeur du centre que le boursier aura fréquenté. Le boursier devra. informer le Secrétariat de I'MBC "Borsa di studio" du début de la période de service et de toute interruption.
Le MBC s'engage A publier le nom des boursiers ainsi que leurs motivations dans son journal spécialisé, "Annals of the MBC-, oe le Club pourra aussi publier les ouvrages résultant de leurs études.
Toute personne intéressée peut demander une copie de l'avis de concours et toute autre information au Secrétariat de I'MBC "Borsa di studio".


The Mediterranean Bums Club (MBC) awards ten annual Scholarships for specialization in the prevention, therapy, care and functional recovery in the field of burn pathology. The scholarships are divided between physicians, nurses and relevant health pésonnel. The purpose of the awards, in accordance with the terms of the statutes of the MBC, is to promote the interchange of young physicians, nurses and relevant health personnel from specialized centres in the various countries in the Mediterranean area with the aim of achieving a high standard of care and of stimulating an evergreater spirit of cooperation.
The value of each Scholarship is fixed at the sum of Lit. 4,000,000 (four million Italian lire),. less taxes. This amount is intended io cover the cost of the return journey and living expenses.
The Scholar has the obligation to attend abroad, for not less than one month, a qualified Centre for the treatment of burns and their sequelae, situated in one of the countries, comprising the Mediterranean Burns Club.
All physicians, nurses and relevant health personnel from countries belonging to the Mediterranean Bums Club are eligible to compete for the Scholarships. Applications, written in English or French, on unstamped paper, must arrive by the deadline of 28(h February of each year (no account can be taken of any postal delays), addressed to: Segreteria, Mediterranean Bums Club "Borsa di Studio", c/o Divisione di Chirurgia Plastica e Terapia delle Ustioni, Ospedale Civico, Via C. Lazzaro, 90125 Palermo, Italy.
The candidate must specify in the application which Scholarship he or she is applying for (Physicians, Nurses, Health Personnel) and include the following:

a) flill name, date and place of birth, home address and telephone number; b) the country and the Centre which the applicant intends to visit; c) a brief programme describing the aims which the candidate intends to_pursue with t he support of the S cholarshi pe d) statement by the candidate of competence in a language (English or French) necessary for carrying out the activity described in the programme;

e) the candidate's signature legally authenticated. All candidates must enclose with the application:

  1. curriculum vitae, indicating academic record, professional activity, attendance at seminars etc.;
  2. a declaration of acceptance and training hospitality on the part of the Host Centre which the candidate intends to visit;
  3. recent letters of introduction (in the original or in authenticated copies) from Chiefs of Institutes, Divisions or Services with connected Bums Centre, attesting to periods of training confirming the candidate's specific preparation in the field of burn pathology;
  4. list of qualifications;
  5. for physicians, additionally:
    • degree diploma (with marks), in authenticated copy - scientific papers, published after graduation
    • certificate of introduction or of guarantee issued by the Chief of the Institute, Division or Service where the candidate is currently working.

The Adjudicating Committee is composed of:

  • The President of the Mediterranean Bums Club
  • The Secretary General of the Mediterranean Bums Club
  • A National Representative drawn by lot in the course of the Annual Assembly from among the representatives of the various countries which have not already received scholarships in previous years. This position is not renewable until, in the course of time, the individual countries have achieved equal representation.

The Scholarships will be awarded not later than 30th June each year. The winners will be informed that within 30 days they must communicate to the Secretariat of the MBC their acceptance, the address of the bank where they wish to have the scholarship money deposited, the period they have chosen to take up the scholarship, and a declaration by the candidate that he or she does not have a criminal record.
The Scholarship must be taken up by 30th May of the year following the award, at the latest.
The Mediterranean Bums Club will credit in advance two-thirds of the amount by bank transfer, and the remainder on termination of the period chosen, after a declaration of satisfactory attendance issued by the Chief of the Centre where the programme was carried out.
The Scholarship winner must inform the Secretariat of the Mediterranean Bums Club "Borsa di Studio" of the beginning of the period of attendance and of any interruptions.
The Mediterranean Bums Club undertakes to publish the Scholarship winners' names, together with relative motivations, in the "Annals of the MBC", in which the Club may also publish papers resulting from this study.
Any person interested may request a copy of the official announcement of the Scholarships and other information from the Secretariat of the Mediterranean Bums Club "Borsa di Studio".


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