Ann. Medit. Burns Club - vol. VI - n. 4 - December 1993
Les brûlures
de Cristian Echinard, Chirurgien plastique, Centre régional des grands brûlés,
Marseille, et Jacques Lateriet Anesthésiste-réanimateur, Centre des brûlés, Hôpital
Saint Luc, Lyon, France.
Le travail complémentaire d'un
chirurgien plastique comme Christian Echinard, qui s'est intéressé aussi à
l'immunologie dans les brûlures et à la recherche sur la peau cultivée, et d'un
anesthésiste comme Jacques Laterjet a porté à la réalisation d'un volume qui affronte
le problème brûlure de manière vaste et complète.
En plus de trois cents pages, enrichies d'un grand nombre de photographies, tables,
schémas et diagrammes, tous les divers aspects de la maladie brûlure sont affrontés
selon une vision moderne et très informée: l'épidémiologie, la prévention, la
physiopathologie, la phase aiguë, le traitement des séquelles cicatricielles. Chaque
chapitre, subdivise en sections qui traitent les divers aspects de façon plus
détaillée, est accompagné d'une bibliographie importante et très valide.
A la fin du volume il y a des schémas de fiches cliniques et techniques d'un grand
secours aux experts du secteur.
Le volume, qui ne peut manquer dans aucune bibliothèque, est sûrement un instrument de
consultation fréquente de part des spécialistes des brûlures qui y trouveront en tous
les moments des suggestions pour leur pratique de réanimation, de chirurgie et de
Publié en 1993 - prix TTC 140 FF - Masson,
Paris, France.
Les brOlures (Bums - text in French)
by Cristian Echinard, Plastic surgeon, Regional Burns Centre, Marseilles, and Jacques
Lateriet, Anaesthetist-reanimator, Burns Centre, H6pital Saint Luc, Lyons, France.
The joint collaboration of Christian
Echinard, a plastic surgeon who has also concerned himself with burn immunology and
research on cultivated skin, and the anaesthetist Jacques Laterjet has led to the
production of a volume that approaches the problem of bums on a vast and complete basis.
In over 300 pages, finely illustrated with numerous photographs, tables, designs and
diagrams, all the different aspects of the burn disease are considered from the most
up-to-date and modern viewpoint - epidemiology, prevention, physiopathology, the acute
phase, local treatment, surgical techniques, rehabilitation and the treatment of scarring.
Each chapter is subdivided into sections dealing with individual subjects in greater
detail and is accompanied by an extensive and valuable bibliography.
At the end of the volume there are various models of clinical and technical files that
will be of great help to experts in the sector.
The volume, which is a must for every library, is a reliable work for continuous reference
by all burns specialists, who at all times will find useful suggestions in their practice
as reanimators, surgeons and rehabilitators.
Published in 1993 - price (tax
inc.) 140 French francs -Masson, Paris, France.
Disasters - Your Right to Survival
by Martin E. Silverstein, MD. 208 pages, hardbound, price US$ 26.00.
With the increasing frequency and
magnitude of disasters and the growing attention these are receiving, there is an upsurge
of papers and articles of varying value on the various aspects of disasters and major
emergencies. There remains, however, a pressing need for more thorough disaster studies,
research and field investigations and it is in this respect that Professor Silverstein's Disasters
comes at the right time. And the time becomes more right with the addition of the
sub-title, Your Right to Survival.
The management of disasters has become a new applied science and the need for a solid
technical base for these activities has been voiced repeatedly. Silverstein is one of the
pioneers in America of these developments and we know how, in collaboration with
colleagues in Europe and the Pacific, he has contributed to the transformation of a
classical humanitarian action to a more modern, effective action of humanism.
With numerous illuminating case histories the author considers such topics as the current
level of disaster prediction, the vulnerability of present infrastructures, new and
proposed technology, strife and terrorism as causes of disaster, government preparedness,
the role of the international community, and many others, Drawing on a rich personal
experience, he rightly points out shortcomings, calls for changes, underlines the need for
training and flavours his call with a welcome dose of philosophy.
For those who have been engaged in disasters, for those who might be thinking of taking up
such a challenge and for those who are merely thinking citizens, this book is highly
recommended and will provide most satisfying reading.
Available from
Brossey/Macmillan Publications, 100 Front Street, Box 500, Riverside, NJ 08075, U.S.A.