Ann. Medit. Burns Club - vol. VII - n. 2 - June 1994


Information about MBC Scholarships

Taking up the suggestion of Dr. LL. Foyatier, of the H6pital Saint-Luc, Lyon, France, we think it would be useful if Burns and Plastic Surgery Centres in the Mediterranean area were not only to communicate their willingness to host MBC Scholarship winners but also to specify the various activities which they perform (cell culture, psychophysical reeducation, particular techniques for the surgical correction of scarring, specific research and studies in the bums field, etc.). It would thus be easier for candidates to choose where to spend their training period.  This information will be collected by the MBC Secretariat and published in Annals.

Proposals to modify the MBC Statute

Some members have asked the Directive Council to consider the possibility of making some modifications in the Club Statute in relation to some activities which the Club has developed in these last years. The proposals will be presented at the Assembly General during the next Meeting of the Club in La Corufla. The proposals are as follows:

Present Statute

Name   Mediterranean Burns Club (MBC)

Art.1    The Mediterranean Burns Club is constituted with the aim...

Art.2   All specialists in burns and related health pro blems in the Mediterranean basin may join the Club.

Art.3 integrate, by the exchange of letters

Proposed modification

Mediterranean Club for Burns and Fire Disaster (MBC)

The Mediterranean Club for Burns and Fire Disaster, founded in 1983 as the Mediterranean Burns Club, is constituted with the aim ...


Relevant specialists from non-Mediterranean countries may be admitted as Associate Members, at the Club's discretion.

…….. to integrate, by the exchange of communications .……


Perpignan (France) - 1-4 ottobre 1991

The Seventh Meeting of the Mediterranean Burns Club was held in Perpignan, France, from I to 4 December 1993.
In the usual atmosphere of brotherly friendship and with the participation of all the member countries, four days were spent full of warm human relations and dense with scientific activity.
The meeting was inaugurated in the presence of the leading local authorities and of the President of ISBI, J. Bannelos.
Preceded by a refresher course held by R. Gartner et al. on "Les soins pré-hospitaliers", J.C. Castùde on "Traitements des brûlures limitées", M. Costagliola et al. on "La cicatrice du brûlé", S. Baux on "L'expansion cutanée", J.P. Gavroy on "Problèmes de rééducation chez le brûlé" and J.M. Rives on "Les cultures d'épiderme", the main programme of scientific proceedings began on 2 December and continued the following day.
Two interesting Round Tables were devoted to the chosen themes: 1) local treatment and 2) infection in burn patients.
In the first of these, after an introduction by M. Masellis, who provided an ample overview of local therapeutic approaches, there was a discussion in particular of "Enzymatic debridement of deep burns (M. Kadry), "Various topical treatment methods in out-patients' burns" (N. Ucar et a].), "Biomaterials and tissue repairs" (Donati et al.), "Evolution chez le grand brûlé des autogreffes d'épiderme de culture - étude histopathologique et ultrastucturale" (Y. Neveux et al.) and "Quelle immobilisation pour les brûlés en phase aiguë?" (0. Marchet).
The Round Table on infection began with a precise introductive exposition by J. Bannelos and went on with the participation of A. Dayoub et al. who presented a paper on "Infection in bums: experiences of a big university hospital in Syria", A Masellis et al. on "Bacteriological monitoring protocol in burn patients" and G. Magliacani on "Problèmes posés par les septicémies chez les brûlés". Other contributions on the same theme came from R. Lefloch et al. with "Epidémie a Pseudomonas aeruginosa multirisistant: prise en charge multidisciplinaire", M. Cutillos et al. with "Epidimiologie des complications virales post-transfusionnelles dans le Centre de Bralis de Bordeaux", S. Toschi et al. with "Role of sterilization of the ambient as a means of prevention of septic complications in burned patients", J.M. Conit with "Vancomycine a dibit constant chez les brfilis" and S. Savona et al. with "Infection control procedures in burn patients".
Both the Round Tables produced lively discussion which further underlined the importance of the two chosen topics. Thirty-eight free papers were presented in six separate sessions. Electrical lesions were considered by N. Ucar et al. in "Severe complications in electrical burns (including visceral)", G. Belba et al. in "The treatment of electrical bums in the volar part of the radio-carpal region", B. Mitiche on "Brûlures électriques chez l'enfant (à propos de 74 cas), J.C. Castède et al. on "Les brûlures électriques des organes génitaux externes" and J.M. Fonrouge et al. on "Rôle de l'aide médicale humanitaireface à la notion de responsabilité dans la genèse des catastrophes technologiques".
The papers presented on emergency burns treatment were equally interesting. M. Bodnar et al. presented a paper on "Traitement primaire de la brûlure: Hydrogel ou 1 cooling-, 0. Griffe et al. on "Refroidissement initial de la brûlure: Biofine versus cooling; étude expérimentale chez l'animal", A. Flaujat et al. on "Traitement initiale des brûlures dans le cadre de l'urgence médicale", C. Bernard et al. on "Rôle d'une infirmière dans la gestion logique des moyens de secours aux brûlés" and M. Costagliola on "Intérêt du LPG System dans la phase aiguë évolutive de la brûlure - étude préliminaire".
In the other sessions the topics dealt with were diverse and all extremely interesting. R. Zermani et al. presented a paper on "A preliminary cross-over study on intravenous fat emulsion elimination in burned patients: long-chain vs medium-chain trig lyce rides", C. D'Eramo on "L'ondansentron dans la prévention des vomissements post-opératoires des grands brûlés", M. Schiavon et al. on "The prediction of energetic expense in the burned patient", L. Pineter on "Various clinical aspects of the reditacfluid therapy and P. Cucchiara et al. on "Biological monitoring in a bums centre".
Burns in children were considered in some very interesting papers presented by M. Zaradi et al. on "Bums in children: a study of 250 cases of burned children admitted to a burns and plastic surgery centre", J. Marichy et al. on "Prise en charge des brûlures graves de l'enfant en Martinique", P. Lacroix et al. on "Répercussion craniofacio rachidiennes des séquelles des brûlures du petit brûlé en chirurgie plastique".
There were very effective papers by E. Caleffi et al. on 'Wegnancy as a factor of natural skin expansion" and J. Joannovich et al. on "Pregnancy and burns: experience from five cases".
G. Arrigoni spoke on "Bum care: psychological aspects".
There were nine papers on the rehabilitation and recovery of the burn patient: A. Brcie spoke on "Thenar and hypothenar revision in deep burns of the hands", M.F.Tromel on "Algodystrophie de la main brûlée à la phase aiguë: problèmes de rééducation", D. Rougé et al. on "Décortication osseuse dans le traitement des brûlures profondes", M. Stella et al. on "Peripheral nerve regeneration in burn patients: immunohistochemical study", S. Judcar et al. on "Dégénérescence maligne des brûlures: à propos de 35 cas", L. Oddou et al. on "Utilisation d'un fixateur externe original", J.C. Foyatier et al. on "Réparation chirurgicale des séquelles des brûlures graves de la face et du cou", M.M. Ferrara et al. on "The use of osteointegrated epitheses in post-surgical defects of the head" and J. Joannovich et al. on "The use of temporalis artery flaps in the defects of the head and neck".
Lastly, there were some interesting papers on the treatment of scar burns presented by J.P. Gavroy et al. on "Silicone tubulaire: un compromis entre compression et réhydration de la peau?", J.P. Gavroy et al. on "Intérêt du test de vitréopression dans le suivi des cicatrices des brûlures: à partir de 50 observations", M. Pannier on "Les brûlures du sein", A. Aajeri et al. on "Traitement chirurgical des séquelles de brûlures du poignef' and A. Nefri et al. on "Traitement chirurgical des séquelles de brûlures du tronc".
The excellently organized social programme contributed to the strengthening of the ties of brotherly friendship which is a prerogative of our Club.
Congratulations are due to the Organizing Committee composed of S. Baux, as helpful, efficient and perfect as ever in all his actions, assisted by the exceptional J.C. Cast&de, J.P. Gavroy, Y.N. Marduel, D. Roug6, R. Sanchez and L. Teot.

M. Masellis


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