• If you are the editor of a journal or a publication that specializes in one of the following fields
    • prevention, treatment and functional recovery of burns;
    • prevention and management of fire disasters;
    • reconstructive surgery;
    • humanitarian medicine.
  • if you think it is useful to multiply the number of your readers by extending your readership;
  • if you want the contents of your journal to be available at all times in real time;
  • if you want to be part of the international virtual community;
  • if you want to be part of a new circuit of scientific dissemination.

The Mediterranean Council for Burns and Fire Disasters offers you the chance to produce an electronic edition of your publications and make them immediately available on its Internet site in the Medit Line Section.
With regard to the topic listed , the Mediterranean Council for Burns and Fire Disasters offers individual authors the opportunity to publish their articles in the Council journal directly in a special section of Medit Line.
For further information contact: mbcpa@medbc.com

  Copyright ©2010 Euro-Mediterranean Council for Burns and Fire Disasters   This site has been realized and maintained by Informed Italia s.r.l.